Category: Wet

  • Great White Blob

    That could be a term used to describe most of Canada right now including our fair little town. Or it could also be used to describe the mass of cloud, wind, and rain/snow mustering in the Pacific. Check out the North Pacific pressure/satellite image below and you’ll see what I mean. Even though EC is…

  • Big Change in the forecast

    Good News! The model just did a big right turn… Now instead of heavy rain and snow for the weekend, they’re predicting much less precipitation (only 50mm from tonight to Midnight Saturday, half what it was saying before), and instead a bit of a cold snap over the weekend. Getting down to around -5 to…

  • Major Snow or Rain for New Years?

    The forecast model is predicting heavy rain or snow for the 31st. Hard to say at this point what type it will be as the forecast temperature is hovering right near 0. It will probably depend on when the event starts and ends. Up to 20mm in a 6hr period is forecast, so make sure…

  • Slickers… DEPLOY!

    Get ready for a whole lotta wet today and tomorrow! No warnings for us, but still more than enough to keep anyone happy. It should dry out, and cool down, by Sunday.

  • Rain rain rain

    Should get a good amount of rain today. There is a warning posted for the Vancouver area. We are slated to get up to 10 more millimeters through today.