Category: Wet
No contest winner yet! Rain on the way! More Christmas-y next week? Christmas lights map!
Close, but just not quite there. We take Snow and Snow Contests seriously around here… so figuring out whether it actually snowed enough for a winner to be declared is a tricky business. Especially when it can change depending on where you live! Try as it might have yesterday, we just never got that full…
Snow! First real chance? Be careful on the mountain highways.
Cooling off for white stuff? We could see some northerly winds and below freezing temperature in the next few days that could result in snow on Sunday morning. Clearing and cold Saturday Before we get to Sunday though, we will have a cloudy Friday followed hopefully by a clear and crisp Saturday! Take the rare…
Last Day to Guess when it will snow! Forecast updates. Rainy!
Go guess in the contest! Today is your last day to guess in the snow contest! Get your guess in before midnight tonight! Fixing forecast display. You will notice the forecast you are used to seeing at the top of the page or on the sidebar is gone. It stopped working for some reason on…
Showers Saturday night linger Sunday. Get your Snow guess in!
More sunrises? We had a beautiful sunrise on Thursday. Maybe we’ll get lucky and have another one in the next couple days. For the most part though the inversion should keep things cool in the morning and then by afternoon we might see some breaks in the cloud and get a nice sunset Friday. Saturday…
Tiny chance of Showers Thursday – Cloudy through Thursday – Tsunami System test 1PM!
Chilly Wednesday morning The predicted cool down happened this morning as we got down just below zero. Only barely enough for frost in most places probably. We are likely to stay cloudy today as the fog sticks in the Valley with the inversion. Thursday showers only for West Coast UWash expects the weak front approaching…