Category: Wind
Tuesday break – Wednesday rain – NDTR Orange Shirt Day Mixed – Weekend nice
Some sun today We should see the sun peak out from the clouds today as we find ourselves between waves of rain. You can see in the picture below that by this afternoon, a new wave is setting up offshore for Wednesday and a 2nd wave is behind that one for Thursday/Friday. Wednesday events and…
Lightning across the West Coast of the Island this morning. Wet week.
Lightning began very early this morning with most strikes occurring near Ahousaht north of Tofino and near Kyuquot. However, in the past hour lightning has spread to the Kennedy Lake area and off of Nitinat and south of Port Alberni near Nahmint Lake. There will be a possibility of lightning and thunder across the Island…
Weekend change to stormy pattern
We had another beautiful day today as we complete our first week of fall! Change coming Sunday Saturday will be pleasant as well but expect the winds of change to blow as a new raft of systems come in off the Pacific! We can see a few waves setting up on Sunday as a low…
Almost Frost this morning – First Fall Rain Storm on the way!
Did you hear the Thunder? Have you seen any frost? The equinox is at 12:21PM (PDT) on September 22 but it is definitely feeling like fall already! It has been a very interesting 48 hours! On Wednesday we had a strong surprisingly strong build up of a cumulonimbus cloud over the Valley and it delivered…
Some areas should see a little rain this evening – Possible Thundershower Saturday for Comox, Alberni, valleys
It’s Raining!! We have received a nice break from the heat. I know my garden is appreciating it! As a reminder, here is the link for the City of Port Alberni water restrictions. If your water comes from the City (directly or indirectly) you should follow those guidelines. Timing of possible rain showers I am…