Category: Wind
Storm Train – Live updates intermittent
Hey all! First have to let you know my webhost has had a security breach and has locked down its system so that is preventing live updates from reaching the website. The information you’ll see today will be from Environment Canada instead. I’ve been told it should return by the end of the day today.…
The North Winds blow
The winds are blowing from the North and it is cold. It looks like the expected cool down to below freezing temperatures has been delayed a bit, but it is still on its way. The good news is a lot of the snow has melted and not frozen solid yet, so hopefully that continues, but…
The Warmup that Never Happened – The Freeze up that Will
So did we all enjoy yesterday’s little surprise? We might have another, perhaps more dangerous, surprise today and tomorrow. More below: I know more than a few that didn’t enjoy yesterday. What we had yesterday was what we were expecting a few weeks ago but never happened. A bunch of cold air got trapped in…
Today: Wind and Rain AND SNOW – then getting cold
UPDATE 2: 3:15PM – The snow has now changed to rain. Expect this to continue long enough to wash away the snow. Stay safe out there, it’s really ugly in places. There is also a wind warning for the East Coast and we should get wind her too. UPDATE 1PM: In case you haven’t already…
Updated! Merry Christmas Forecast?
Update 11:30AM Dec 23 It is still a great forecast for Christmas as long as you are not travelling! I will try to update it again Christmas Eve. Oh and check out the webcams page. I’ve added a couple new ones. And Congratulations to Lynn who picked her daughter’s birthday for the Snow Contest and…