The Question: When will we get measurable snow at Alberniweather?
Enter your guesses in the comments of this webpage only please (Comments so far!) or by email at check the rules at the bottom so you know what you need to give me for your guess to be valid! This post will ‘stick’ on the top of the page until it is done.
Entries are open until 8PM Friday November 20.
If we get a qualifying amount of snow before the entry period closes, don’t worry… closest will still win, AND we will have a second contest as soon as the snow melts!
LIKE the Facebook Page. Win Another Prize!
We are at 940 likes on the Alberniweather Facebook Page. Go like the page at and then share around the post with banner below!
I will be filling a hat full of all the names that have liked my page so that as soon as we hit 1000 (or whatever number we get to!) I will draw a name and someone will win a prize!
The Prize(s!)
1st Prize: A Gift Package from Kari at Healthy Habits. She will also be donating a prize for the 1000 likes draw. Thanks Kari! 🙂
2nd Prize: A $20 Gift Certificate from Darren at Boomerangs Café. Thanks Darren!
If any other businesses would like to donate prizes we could do a 3rd closest too? Just putting it out there. 🙂
So when do you think it will snow? Your guesses will appear in the calendar below as you submit them.
Good Luck!
Here are the rules:
#1: You must pick a date, hour, and minute (eg. Nov 3 12:45). Minutes should be on the zeros or fives. You will end up with a 5 minute “window” (eg. Nov 3 12:45-12:50).
#2: Closest time wins.
#3: A winner will be chosen when there is enough snow on the front lawn of Alberniweather HQ to measure with a standard ruler.
#4: If it snows before the contest entry period closes, a prize will be awarded and a 2nd contest will commence as soon as the snow melts.
#5: You need to be able to come to Port Alberni to get your prize!
#6: You must enter your guess in the comments section of this post or by email at
#7: You can only pick one date, but you can change the date at any time during the entry period.
#8: You have 1 week to make your choices, choices must be entered by 8PM November 20.
#9: If my wife (Theresa) wins she will get a prize as will the next closest contestant. 🙂
#10: I reserve the right to add to these rules since I probably missed something. 🙂
December 4th at 4:45 a.m.
I choose November 16 at 1:00 am
Thanks! Entered!
we won’t get much snow…..Nov. 30/15
Only need enough to measure! 🙂
Dec 11at 714 pm
Done! Thanks!
Dec 24 7:00 pm
Entered! Thanks! 🙂
December 16 at 0700
nov 30th 8:30 am
Got it!
November 16th, 5:10 am
Done! Don’t forget to share it around and get your friends to play 🙂
December 2nd at 6:10 am
Nov 23rd10:50pm
Done! Thanks!
December 27 12.05am
Got it! Thanks!
November 14-15 11:56-12:01…bring on the snow!
My guess is December 8th at 3:30am
Entered! Thanks. 🙂
November 16th at 5;30
Done! 🙂
December 17th 3:05 PM
I would guess December 6 at 11 am
Entered! Thanks! 🙂
December 9th at 6:00 am
Entered! 🙂
December 3rd at 5:35am
Nov 19th, 5 am
Got it!
Nov 19th, 5 am
December 24th @ 5 pm
Love the Christmas Eve guesses. 🙂 Done!
Nov. 21,2015 at 5:30am
Done thanks!
December 31, 1:45 p.m.
Got it!
Dec 25 8:00AM
Entered! Thanks!
december 3, 8:35
december 3, 8;35 am
December 1st at 6:00 a.m.
November 25th at 11am
Monday November 23 at 11:30 am
Got it!
Dec 16 5 am
Entered! 🙂
November 24 @ 11:11 pm
november 23/15 11:10 PM
Got it! Thanks!
Nov.24th 1am
Dec. 5th @ 4:37am
Got it!
Nov. 28th 11:00 pm
December 24th 6:15 pm