Records may be Broken.
The forecast is calling for highs of 35ºC, 34ºC, and 32ºC on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Here are the daily Valley Records for September 5/6/7 from the various stations:
- Alberni Airport (1993-2023): 32.7ºC/32.9ºC/32.5ºC
- Robertson Creek (1961-2023): 33.3ºC/33.0ºC/32.5ºC
- Beaver Creek (1900-1958): 35.6ºC/34.4ºC/36.7ºC
- Port Alberni City (1917-59): 33.9ºC/32.8ºC/32.8ºC
Some Tips to stay safe – Avoid Heat Exhaustion!
We also have a possible Humidex of 38ºC. I am a little surprised Environment Canada has not issued a Heat Advisory.
It is going to be very very hot at the Fall Fair this afternoon and through the whole weekend please consider these tips:
- BRING YOUR OWN WATER – It doesn’t have to be cold, even room temperature water will quench your thirst and keep you hydrated.
- AVOID ALCOHOL – It will dehydrate you. At least wait for the beer garden until it cools down after sundown.
- BRING AN UMBRELLA – Use it for the shade! It works!
- WHERE A BRIMMED HAT – It keeps the heat off your shoulders and protects your head.
- FIND SHELTER/SHADE – Go inside the barns and buildings. Try not to stay in direct sun for more than 15-30 minutes before finding some shelter and having a drink.
- WAIT UNTIL SUNDOWN – The best advice of all is to wait for the sunset! It’s going to be a beautiful night!
If you feel lightheaded or nauseous, you are likely on the way to getting heat stroke. If you’re dizzy or if you speech becomes impaired, you’re already there and you need to immediately find shelter, lie down, and rest.
There is a First Aid area at the Fair (last year it was near the pig barn opposite the Rotary Club food shack). If you feel at all unwell, go there and get help!
Fire Danger Rising
This return to hot dry weather is and will continue to bump up the fire rating. While the campfire ban is lifted and we are at a Moderate danger rating, I expect that rating to rise to High this weekend. I would still avoid starting any fires at all until we get a few more weeks into this month and the rains come!