I’m buckin’ the trend. I’m refusing to drink the Koolaid. Environment Canada says we might get showers on Saturday and Sunday and it will cool down to 15C.
But I say no. No showers. No way, won’t have it. Not on my long weekend!
Seriously though, while it does look like it will cloud over and cool off some. The models are very split on the rain aspect. I’m going to go on the optimistic side of things and say no rain and 17C on Saturday and dry on Sunday and Monday with 19C.
That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!
Have a great long weekend everyone!
2 responses to “Fear not! No real rain for the weekend”
I like your story toooo!
I think, and I really hope, you are right Chris. EC’s graphics for overcast/showers overstate the small amount of precipitation that’s actually out there.