A really quick post because the message is pretty simple. There is no rain in the forecast for the South Island.
Here is a very zoomed out view of our part of the world. The first picture is all the rain expected to fall, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Notice our little part of the island is white and dry.

Here is the same image buy for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Again, maybe a tiny hint of showers, but nothing of importance.
Good News: North Island rain should drop fire rating.
The good news is that there is rain in the forecast for northern parts of the Island. Right now the north Island is under an extreme fire rating and most of the rest is at high.

That should drop back to high with the moisture in the forecast. The Island should be a mix of high and moderate by the end of next week.
Water flows below normal.
Officials are also keeping an eye on river levels. They are currently low across the majority of the Island. This weeks moisture on the north end should hopefully help with this.

Enjoy the sun, we should get up to the high-to-mid twenties this weekend. It will turn a little cooler next week but remain pleasant.
Airport Upgrades!
Almost forgot! The Ministry of Transportation announced recipients of funding at airports around the province this year. Alberni Valley Regional Airport will be receiving over $65,000 for a new Automatic Weather Observation station project. Great news for us weather geeks, and likely pilots and the general public as well!

Happy Friday!