Great weekend and great start to the week! Tiny traces of Fukushima radiation detected.

Great weekend and great start to the week! Tiny traces of Fukushima radiation detected.

The fog should burn off later this morning and reveal the clear blue sky above! This was the view at the top of the hump this morning.

imageWe should get over 15°C this afternoon and this pattern should repeat for Wednesday and Thursday.  Wednesday looks to be the warmest but all will be similar.

Friday and the weekend through to Monday look wet.  But we should wait to get totals.

Some nice spring weather!

Happy Tuesday that feels like Monday!

Oh and I nearly forgot to add… There has been new research released showing that very small amounts of radiation (thousands of times less than a dental XRay for example) have been found in the waters near Ucluelet. I hate how newspaper and other media headlines so often leave their headlines ambiguous.  Here is a tweet from the Times Colonist which provides a great example.

“Japanese radiation traces hit B.C. coast in Ucluelet #yyj

Of course people are scared of radiation so they will probably read that and automatically feel scared of what has been found.

But if the TC had instead indicated right in the headline the nature of the traces, then far less people would be worried.

If you are wondering what your greatest risk for exposure to radiation is in your life, even if you are an astronaut, is?

Smoking Cigarettes! The youtube video below details the worlds most radioactive places… You will probably be surprised.


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