Happy First of October! Showery Monday and Tuesday drying out Wednesday.

Happy First of October! Showery Monday and Tuesday drying out Wednesday.

Can you believe it’s already October 1st!? It seems that September has flown by.  

Just a short post this morning as there isn’t any really notable weather this week.  We will start the week with showers on both Monday and Tuesday particularly early in the morning on both days.

On Wednesday we should get a nice break and maybe even some sunshine. Come out to the All Candidates Meeting for Council on Wednesday evening at 7 at the Italian Hall!

Thursday might feature a few showers but should be mostly dry.  There is a Mayor’s candidates meeting on Thursday evening at the Italian Hall. Go check that out too! 🙂

On Friday the rain will return and we can expect quite heavy rain through Friday afternoon if this forecast holds.  The weekend though looks like it might give us a break.

Have a great week! I’ll update the forecast for the second half of the week on Wednesday!

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