Here comes the Heat!

The forecast over the next few days looks positively summery! They’re calling for 26C on Sunday and 28C on Monday.

Could we already be looking at a winner for the “When will we hit 30C” contest?!

If the 7 day forecast holds we should have highs above 20C at least until next weekend. There is not a hint of precipitation in the GFS model for the next 7 days. So you will need to water your gardens. Please try to conserve water. This year has already been very dry and I think the summer will be as well. Best time to water is early in the morning, before 9 or 10AM so that the water has a chance to soak in and doesn’t evaporate and the plants then can use it all day to survive the onslaught of the summer sun!

There is a system forecast to cross over us with a bunch of rain in the week of June 8, but super long range forecasts being what they are, it’s hard to know whether that will actually happen.

Enjoy the weather! And if you haven’t already, click the Summer Time Contest link at the top of the page to enter for your chance to win a wonderful prize!

About The Author






19 responses to “Here comes the Heat!”

  1. Bill Avatar

    Before I threw a dart at the calendar for the contest, I did some research. Since 1995 most of the first days to hit 30C were in May – 6. There were 4 in June and 2 in July. The earliest was May 1st in 1998, the latest was July 19th in 1997. The earliest time of day was 12:00 noon on June 5th, 2003.

  2. Chris (admin) Avatar

    Hey nice bit of sleuthing!

    Well it will be interesting to see if our first day happens over the next few. They’ve moderated the forecast somewhat, but I think there is still potential there.

  3. Karl Avatar

    Sunday May 31st 1pm

  4. Nick Avatar

    I see your location is flirting with 28c today as well… did notice they reduced the projected temps for Sunday and Monday.

  5. Bill Avatar

    Check it out! Environment Canada has 30C-plus in the forecast for Wednesday and Thursday this week! It could even happen earlier. By the way Chris, will it be EC’s official temperature or your weather station that determines the winner?

  6. Chris (admin) Avatar

    Wow! I guess this ridge of high pressure is really going to take hold!

    Hey are you implying that my temperature isn’t official! ๐Ÿ™‚ Well good, cuz it isn’t.. ๐Ÿ˜€

    But yes, the contest will be won when my station hits 30. The EC station is only updated publicly every hour anyway.

  7. Bill Avatar

    That’s good, thanks Chris, and I think your site in central PA is in fact more “official” than Environment Canada’s way out at the airpot where almost nobody lives. I’m also willing to bet that yours hits 30C before EC’s!

  8. Chris (admin) Avatar

    Haha. Ya, EC has told me a couple times that they’re happy to have my here in town. They know the weather, from heat, to wind, is quite different here than it is at their official weather station.

    Not much they can do when they barely have funding to operate… but that’s a topic for another blog!

  9. Nick Avatar

    Got 28.5 at the moment here at home. Just ruled out any interference from the air conditioner output… the breeze is blowing that away from the temp sensor.

  10. Nick Avatar

    I topped out at 29.8 at 16:20 this afternoon. Was a good breeze going too.

  11. Chris (admin) Avatar

    Wow, I only got up to 28.22 at 14:55PM.

    Given the forecast though, I will be surprised if both of us don’t hit 30C tomorrow.

    Arlene, Eve, and Gemini… you guys are definitely looking like good chances to win…

    It’s going to go right down to the wire!

  12. Nick Avatar

    I have 31.3 at the moment but I think you have more breeze there Chris.

  13. Chris (admin) Avatar

    Yep… topped out at 29.44C! So close!

    I think you’re right… the slight breeze from the North kept the air moving and cooled it off just enough.

    Tomorrow certainly looks like the day though.

  14. Zsolt Avatar

    Ok so close to 30C today… 29.44C at 15:35… i had predicted 30 at 1pm..but looks like definitely June 2nd ๐Ÿ˜›

  15. Zsolt Avatar

    mind u the “official” temp at the airport was much less but my car’s temp showed 30C at 5 oclock when i left work ๐Ÿ˜›

    is the contest going by the official airport temperature from Environment Canada or from the readings at the station located in town?

  16. Chris (admin) Avatar

    SO close! ๐Ÿ™‚

    The contest goes by the readings on this website which are from the station here in town.

    You’re right that the Airport is usually a degree or two cooler.

  17. Dan Avatar

    Will the winning guess be from the highest tempture of the day time or will you be able to look back at what time it hit 30 degrees?

  18. Chris (admin) Avatar

    It will be the time that it hits 30 degrees. I can get that down to within a minute.

  19. zsolt Avatar

    now that the 30C contest is over after it hit 30C around 2pm today are you going to do another for 35C and 40C?