Hopefully rain today and this week. May include wet snow but will also be sunny and warm!

Hopefully rain today and this week. May include wet snow but will also be sunny and warm!

It has been very dry of late so the chance of rain today is encouraging.

It must be spring. We have rain, snow, sun, freezing temperatures and warm all in the forecast this week.

Southeast winds should pick up this morning and showers should begin to sweep down the south Island around 8AM this morning with rain beginning in Port Alberni before 11AM.

There should be showers all day ending by 9PM in Port Alberni, a little later further south.

Totals for the day will be anywhere from 8 to 30mm of rain in the Alberni Valley. Only a couple millimetres on the east side of the Island and up to 60mm on the west coast.

Rain Scale – Millimeters on top, centi-inches on bottom. (1024cin = 10 inches)

There will be some lingering showers mostly in the mountains on Tuesday and then it clears up and we get some sun and afternoon warmth on Wednesday but there is another chance for rain and possibly wet snow on Thursday before it clears up again Friday.

Expect anything this week! Happy Monday!

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