Hotspot in Canada! Ooohh Ya.

Port Alberni was the hotspot in Canada yesterday.

And there were, in fact, many records broken yesterday. Below is the screenshot from Environment Canada’s media page.

We might be the hotspot again today and will also likely break our record of 28.9C for this day set in 1999. Tomorrow if we stick to the 30C forecast we will have a chance to break the 30.6C record for the day also set in 1999. Thursday at 29C we might have trouble breaking the 30.1C record for the day in 1999 and if it cools off by Friday, no more records will be in jeopardy. 1999 seems to have been a hot fall! Please be careful in the bush… it is EXTREMELY DRY.

Oh and don’t forget to follow me on or I often send updates there that don’t make it to the webpage here.

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3 responses to “Hotspot in Canada! Ooohh Ya.”

  1. Nick Avatar

    Have you noticed that this year the airport is recording higher temperatures than our array of in-town stations? The last few years it was the opposite. We’d be melting in town at 35, and the airport was only showing 30-31. This year the airport is setting record temps, but it never gets that warm in town.

    1. Bill Brown Avatar
      Bill Brown

      I’ve noticed that pattern all summer, yes.

    2. Chris Alemany Avatar

      Ya me too. Not sure what it’s been?