It will be cold again, but not snowy. Though perhaps East Side? Please Donate

The forecast has been kind of all over the place!

One forecast is a sure thing though, Saturday is the Coldest Night.  Please click here to Donate to the Alberni Community and Women’s Services Society! I have a goal of $150 and am currently at $120! 🙂 I’ll be walking on Saturday in support of their cause along with the rest of City Council and many other groups!

So what is all this talk about snow?  Well… here is the picture for the 24 hours between Friday and Saturday afternoon.

We can see some spots of snow, mostly at high elevations.

What it will definitely do over the next few days is feel cold again.  But that’s good, because that means we should have less cloud and more clear skies! 🙂

So don’t fret too much. We might see a few flurries in the air, or maybe some ice pellets.  But for the most part it will just be a few showers interspersed with clear breaks.

If you happened to see the moon this morning it was a fantastic sliver rising over Mt. Arrowsmith!

Have a great Wednesday!


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