It’s coming! Summer is Coming!

Ya, really! It is!

Never mind that as I type this it’s pouring rain outside.

Never mind that June 2012 was one of the coldest we’ve had in living memory.

It’s coming, and here’s the proof! 🙂

Environment Canada

The Weather Network

The GFS Model short term (To Next Tuesday):

The GFS Model long term (To Thursday July 19):

As you can see, after we get through this last patch, the skies will clear and we will warm up. It looks like our first batch of sunshine will last about a week from Thursday until next Wednesday. Then we will have a break with some clouds and possibly a shower, and then we’ll get swung right back into a dry and warm pattern for another week.

This is a Vancouver Island summer. Wet miserable June, followed by a glorious mid-July through August. Now the question will only be how hot it will get.

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2 responses to “It’s coming! Summer is Coming!”

  1. Tom W Avatar
    Tom W

    I reserve my celebration until I actually see it.

  2. BillB Avatar

    I always tell my friends not to count on summer until after the first week of July.