Look ma, no wires! Wind readings are back. A quiet spell.

So first I have to say thank you. Thank you to those people (you know who you are!) who made it possible for me to order a wireless transmitting station for the anemometer. So the wind and related readings you see on the site now will now be from my station again. Graphs for those are back too. If the updates are delayed everything switches to the Airport values automatically until updates resume.

Here it is!


The little white box is the transmitter. Notice the anemometer itself still has a seriously long wire, mostly not needed. It’s rolled up and tied to the pole so it doesn’t fly around in the wind. This was all done so that:

a) the issues I was having with grounding that caused the wind and rain readings to get lost or garbled are now solved since there are no wires running through the house or connected to main power.

Hello, down there!

b) I now have the Integrated Sensor suite (temperature, humidity, rain gauge, solar and UV) in a better spot nearer the ground. I have plans to improve the ISS positioning further before summer by lengthening the arm it is mounted on so it is further removed from the roof of the shed and also hinging the arm so its still easy to get at and maintain.

Hello up there!

c) now that the station is wireless, I can add up to 6 more different sensors (for a price of course!). Everything from extra air temperature and humidity sensors, to soil temperature or leaf wetness sensors. The latter would be very useful for gardening. We shall see what happens over the coming years.

Here are some more pictures from the roof.


As for the weather… We are in the midst of what will be an extended dry spell. There is a strong high pressure ridge that will deflect most everything away for at least the next week.


The GFS is currently saying it will break down around the 25th with a storm the 27th. But that’s way far off so don’t count on anything. In the next 7 days there is very little chance for anything other than the odd flurry or bout of drizzle.

The bad news is Mark Madryga of CKNW/Global said this morning that starting tomorrow we should be in a temperature inversion which most likely means fog for us. Boo.

But hey, at least there is enough snow on the mountains for some fun! Even if its just finding a side road somewhere up Arrowsmith with enough ice for a crazy carpet and free fun!

Have a great week everyone!



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One response to “Look ma, no wires! Wind readings are back. A quiet spell.”

  1. Kari Chase McNabb Avatar

    Haha! Great pic – and thanks for all your hard work, Chris!