UPDATE: Semiah is safe.  – Icy cars and roads

UPDATE: Semiah is safe. – Icy cars and roads

UPDATE: Semiah is safe. 🙂



Original post (Semiah is now safe and sound) Please share this picture and be on the lookout for this teen, Semiah. She left home last night near Harbour Quay in Port Alberni. Her parents do not know where she is and the RCMP is searching for her.  If anyone knows of her whereabouts please notify her parents or the Port Alberni RCMP as soon as possible. Here is a message from her parents.

We are grateful for all of the help we have received tonight looking for our daughter. Thank you to all those who were out looking with us.

We don’t know where she is and can only hope that she is safe. She left with a grey hoodie and light blue jeans, no backpack, and no money.

We believe she is at a friend’s house in Port Alberni although we don’t know whose place she might be at. If you are that friend, you need to know that the police are looking for her and that we are very concerned for her safety. I hope you never have to go through this kind of worry.

If you know where she is, please tell us. Her grandparents, her family in the north, and her many relatives and friends from everywhere, hundreds of people, are all worried about her. We have received many phone calls, messages, and questions about her and whether she is safe.

If you read this Semiah, just call or send a message telling us you are safe.

Take care sweetie. We love you.


It is a beautiful clear morning, but it is also cold! You may need a chisel to get into your car and an extra few minutes to scrape off the windshield. It must have snowed and rained last night and then froze because the ice is THICK.

The roads are OK in Port Alberni and on the highway though there are some slushy sections on the Hump and icy patches around Cameron Lake.  They must not have salted in Parksville because the main roads there were covered in black ice!

There is more possibility for snow early Tuesday morning before 7AM. So be prepared to wake up to similar messiness.

take care out there and drive safely.

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