Monday’s Aurora Event
We again lucked out and got a nice Aurora Borealis event on Monday night before the fog rolled in around 2AM.
The cameras pick this up perfectly if I have a chance to adjust them! On that note, I am actually talking to the camera manufacturers about a bug I found in their cameras that prevents them from changing settings automatically. They seem determined to fix it!
East Pacific storms just to our North
There is an interesting pattern shaping up that you can watch on the current UWash low resolution model runs.
Here is an example, the forecast for Sunday.

All those green blobs around and below the Aleutians are pointed pretty squarely at Haida Gwaii and the Alaska Panhandle. Some remnants manage to get down to the North and West Coast of Vancouver Island, but much diminished.
Looking way out to next Wednesday you can see very strong storms in the Aleutians sending moisture our way but it again doesn’t amount to a lot for us.

What this likely means is we will stay in a relatively mild and cloudy pattern with the possibility of showers every few days for the next week or two.
It looks like a pretty typical start to Fall.
Free Owatchet – Dry Creek Restoration Workshop and Info Session
Tonight, Wednesday Sept 18, there will be an event at Char’s Landing focusing on how and why we could restore the Somass Lands to the original estuary and course of Dry Creek/Owatchet Creek.
Come by for some cool information you might not know about our most urban creek.