We have to reduce CO2 emissions
I took these photos on the way to work this morning. The smoke is from fires in Washington State. Air Quality is poor across the Island including Port Alberni.
I try to keep politics to a bare minimum here but it has to be said. We all just voted for a bunch of new people to run our towns and cities. What are they doing to reduce CO2 emissions?
We can talk about all the other ways we can help our world too, but if we don’t stop emitting CO2 very very quickly, our world quite literally will catch on fire. It already is. It can, and will, get worse.
Hoping for rain on Friday.
We set another all time high temperature record on Saturday and Sunday. We could set more all time records this week. (We were the provincial (and national?) hot spot yesterday)
There is rain in the forecast for Friday. It looks promising on the models.

Even better, there is more rain in the forecast for Sunday.

I’ll wait until Wednesday or Thursday before seeing exactly how much we can expect, but it looks like Friday will be the smaller of the two.
Please ask your favourite politician what they are doing to reduce CO2 emissions.
Take care out there.