Showers returning Friday afternoon but good until then.  Cool NASA Climate tool!

Showers returning Friday afternoon but good until then. Cool NASA Climate tool!

A short post since not much has changed.

The mostly clear skies has produced some pretty chilly temperatures and allowed fog to form in the mornings.  Thankfully, it has burned off for the afternoons.

Today there seem to be a few more clouds in the upper reaches so we might not get as much input from the sun and so it might not get as warm or as clear as it has the past couple of days.

Rain is still slated to begin in the afternoon or early evening on Friday but it will be short lived.  Saturday should be OK, and then we’ll see more rain Sunday morning.


Have an annoying uncle who still insists all that mumbo jumbo about global warming is a hoax?  Looking for some nice visual ways to show current data about the issue?

I just discovered a really awesome website from NASA for that kind of stuff!


If you click the picture it will take you to the page and you can just click on the little arrows on the bottom to bring up that dataset.  Notice especially the “Sun’s Energy” has not changed….

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