The next few days hold plenty of chance for showers and rain. It will feel a lot like fall! Thankfully, by the weekend it should clear up and get warmer again and stay dry, but cool in the mornings, for at least a week.
I will have a wrap up of the month of August once the 31st rolls around.
The forecasters at Accuweather are calling for a ‘normal’ September for temperatures with continued relatively dry conditions. We will see how that holds, it certainly seems that way for now.
Are you ready for the Salmon Festival on the weekend? How about Fall Fair!? All good times. Too bad we all have to go back to school/work too.
Oh and in case you haven’t noticed, the Webcam has been offline for a few days now. I’m really not very impressed at all with the performance of the Eyefi card. It is unreliable in almost all aspects, from connecting to the wireless network, to the software functioning on the computer, to deleting the images from the card as it goes. I’m hoping an update comes along that addresses these issues but for now I’ll just have to struggle on.
And I suppose I should mention the CTV report yesterday. They are doing profiles of all the craziest weather people out there on the Island and I was first up. Lol.
View the horror for yourself here:
Hooked on Alberniweather
And to complete your video viewing for the morning. Here is a CBC news report talking to an Arctic Sea Ice researcher from the NSIDC about the significance of the now record Arctic sea ice melt this year and the march to an ice free Arctic due to CO2 emissions.
Will this new record finally spur the world to action to adapt to the effects that are coming at us, and reduce our emissions to limit the effect on future generations?
2 responses to “Some showers then brightening for the weekend”
Great job on the news!
Short but sweet! Way to go Chris!