Spring break weekend looks not bad! Web site upgrade.

Spring break weekend looks not bad! Web site upgrade.

We should be treated to another beautiful not quite Spring day today. In fact there was barely a cloud in the sky this morning when I walked out the door.  The moonless sky was filled with stars.

There will be some scattered showers pop up Saturday.  The 5-5AM forecast for rain on Saturday/Sunday shows only a millimetre or two falling.


Sunday should remain mostly dry too but rain will begin again Sunday night and last through much of Monday.  Next week looks like we are back to showers on and off all week.

Server upgrade coming

As you have no doubt noticed when you come to this website and it says “Resource Limit Reached”, the traffic on the website, including legitimate and spam, has become too much for my current and long time provider to handle.

I will be moving from a “shared” hosting provider to a “virtual private server” that should allow me both more flexibility and power.  The new provider is also Canadian and all its servers are in Canada rather than America, which means I can worry less about Patriot Act type concerns. My server is in Calgary. The provider is also “green” in that it purchases power from renewable energy providers.

It is called: http://dynamichosting.biz

I have begun moving my various websites over to the new place.  This website will be the last one I move over because it is so big and complex.  I am hoping to have the migration complete by the end of the weekend. There will likely be hiccups along the way but I am optimistic that once it is all done, the website will be more stable and responsive than it has been for a long time and it will enable some excitin features I have planned to come online by spring and summer!

Have a great weekend!

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