Sunny Climate Strike Friday! And a new Report on the Oceans.

Sunny Climate Strike Friday! And a new Report on the Oceans.

After a few light showers overnight and into Thursday things will begin to clear which is perfect, because Friday is an important day here and around the world.

Friday will be the second, last, and hopefully biggest day of action being led by students around the world. Students at ADSS will be holding a gathering at the Penny Lane Park at the corner of 10th & Roger. Please go and support them! (Facebook Event)

New IPCC report: The Oceans are changing Fast – We must Act.

We often hear about the impact on the atmosphere. Warming temperatures, more rainfall, longer droughts, but thanks to the fact water covers most of our planet, and absorbs heat much more efficiently than land or air, most of the heat reflected back to Earth by Greenhouse Gases actually goes into the ocean!

Not only that, the Oceans absorb the majority of the CO2, and that makes them more acidic, and all of the changes make the Oxygen levels in the water lower.

The IPCC just released an update on how things have changed due to GHGs/Warming so far, and what to expect. It’s predictably bad news.

I’m not going to list them all, but here’s the thing. There are still achievable scenarios where we can make a difference and avoid a world where, by 2100, the oceans will be more acidic, and have less oxygen, that they could lead to ecological collapse.

There is an excellent thread with key points from the new science here:

We can still make a difference.

The changes we need to make are now drastic because governments have resisted for so long. We need to, as citizens, demand that all parties, all governments, can move ahead with the big steps needed to immediately reduce our carbon footprint. We can’t do it on our own. But we can demand action together.

Take care all. Please consider going to the Global Climate Strike action in Port Alberni or wherever there is one near you.

This page will be “on Strike” and inaccessible all day Friday in solidarity with millions around the Globe.

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