Tag: Cold

  • February 2018 Summary

    February 2018 Summary

    The Weather and Climate Summary for February 2018 Daily and All Time Records Set Set at the Airport* since 1995 and compared to other stations** for “All Time” since 1900. Four new short term low temp records. One new rain record.No All Time Records were set this month. February 12 low temp -6.6º C : #1 is -13.3º C at Bvr. Crk. in 1949.…

  • Karma Approaching in the form of cold and snow starting Sunday.

    Karma Approaching in the form of cold and snow starting Sunday.

    Did you brag to your friends and relatives back east about how warm it was out here while they suffered in a deep freeze? Well Mother Nature noiced, and she may be about to demand atonement. Below is the forecast temperature map for Thursday morning, followed by the map for Sunday morning. Freezing temperatures are…

  • Cold Air incoming could produce Tuesday snow.d

    Cold Air incoming could produce Tuesday snow.d

    There is some cold air making its way into the air today and tonight. Winds should pick up this morning from the northwest and clear away the clouds and are expected to send temperatures down to -5°C by Tuesday morning. If that temperature holds close to the ground then when precipitation comes in we could…

  • Snow after Christmas Dinner and Boxing Day?

    Snow after Christmas Dinner and Boxing Day?

    We could still see snow on Christmas! We have precipitation coming into the area at about 9PM. Will it be rain or snow? Probably a bit of both. Whether it sticks and how much will depend on your elevation and proximity to water. Details on timing and locations below. Here’s some of my dash footage…

  • Snow snow snow…

    Lots of little flakes in the sky… not sticking (here), but it’s pretty to look at. There is sun in the forecast for the late weekend… hooray!