Tag: fire
Extreme Heat Starts today. Morning and Afternoon Temperatures and some Tips.
The forecast remains dangerously hot this weekend and Monday. As I start this post at 6:37AM the low of the morning has already passed at 16.1°C. It is now 16.9°C and rising. If you don’t have Air Conditioning or a Heat Pump, the National Weather Service out of Seattle put out a great simple guide…
Updated – Extreme Heat Wave on the Way – Fire Danger Rising Rapidly
Updated 5:30AM Thursday – EC and UWash Agree The EC forecast has been updated this morning and now agrees with the UWash models from last night. Temperatures on Monday could reach 42°C. Staggering. I will update again if there are any major changes. Otherwise, I will write a new post on Friday for the weekend.…
Poor AQ this morning. Warm and Hazy today.
The AQ is a little worse today than it was yesterday. Try to avoid strenuous exercise outside. The fog should lift late this morning. There isn’t much else to say as this pattern, and haze, seems to be locked into the forecasts for the forseeable future. Thankfully the smoke doesn’t seem to be getting worse.…
Welcome to October! Smoke and AQ worsens but not too bad. Weather pattern stagnant.
Smoke lighter than before It isn’t as bad as the last time, but the smoke is definitely back and has settled into the valley. The Island seems to be getting most of it. AQ is a little better on the Lower Mainland. We are into the 30s for PM2.5 now. We were into the 100s…
Hazy skies return – Might keep fog around – Air Quality still good for biking.
You will notice smoke and haze blocking the sun a bit today as the California smoke has again come to visit. It has been hard to predict the smokes effect on Air Quality from day to day bubut for the moment the smoke seems to be staying well aloft and not subsiding down so the…