Tuesday and Thursday looks best – Great week ahead – Visitors

The sunny weather should continue for the most part. We might get a few clouds at the end of the day today and through tomorrow with a chance of showers, but nothing major, nor anything that will cool us down too much. We’ve finally gotten over the hump and should stay in the mid-twenties for the forseeable future.

Next week should be able the same. Tuesday (contrary to the EC forecast) and Thursday look like the best weather of the week with the highest temperatures. It should continue into Friday and cool a bit for Saturday but remain very nice for the Thunder in the Valley weekend!

I thought I should include a picture of our visitor this morning… I got up this morning, opened the back door for some air, sat on the couch to do my morning Internet rounds, and after a few minutes heard a very loud crunching sound coming from the cat dish in the kitchen. At first I thought out kitty was just really hungry this morning. But then I realized the sound didn’t really fit a cat.

Morning Raccoon

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