Whaddaya think? Time for a new Contest?

So I’m thinking that since it’s going to be 20C tomorrow (in the forecast anyway). It’s probably time to fire up another contest.

What do people think? Should it be temperature? First to 25C? First to 30C? Or something a little different. Maybe First over 25C weekend. Or Longest stretch without rain? Or maybe pick a day that it will rain in the summer?

Put your suggestions in the comments here. There’s no reason we can’t have more than one contest. Maybe an easy one and a long one.

Anyway, enjoy the weather! It’s been beautiful this past few days. I and my family have been rather ill the past week or so so I couldn’t get to update the blog but the weather is helping now!

Oh… and by the way.


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5 responses to “Whaddaya think? Time for a new Contest?”

  1. Kari Avatar

    hmmm… first day to hit 25 sounds good! I say June 6th!

  2.  Avatar

    i say may 21

  3. Chris (admin) Avatar

    LOL. OK no guesses yet guys! ๐Ÿ˜€ We haven’t even picked a game yet! Lets think about it over the weekend for something to come around next week! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Anyone else have some ideas on a contest you’d like to see?

  4. Bill Avatar

    The first 20 or 30 degree day sounds good. But I’d like to see a deadline of some sort set up so that those last minute guesses don’t squeak in the day before a forecast hot day.

    Longest stretch of over 30 degree days would be a good one too.

  5. GKL Avatar

    Maybe when we get to see the first volcanic ash from Iceland..!! ๐Ÿ™‚ I think the first 30c day would be a good one to go on… Guess has to be in 3 days before hand..!? That way you cannot be playing the forecast to much…