Wind Warnings up for West Island – Stormy Days ahead

Wind Warnings up for West Island – Stormy Days ahead

I was waiting to see if Environment Canada would post a warning and indeed they did. It is currently only for the West Coast.  Tofino and Ucluelet. Here’s the rundown on when to expect the rain and wind in Port Alberni.

The rain will begin across the Island in the 5-8AM period on Tuesday morning.

Rain and Winds will intensify in the 8-11AM period.

Winds will be strong from the SW on the West Coast and from the SE in Port Alberni and Nanaimo/Georgia Strait.  There is a possibility for mid-morning cancellation of ferry routes on Tuesday.

Winds and rain should taper off after noon on Tuesday but it is just a break…

After 2PM rains should return and we should see the a return to strong rain around midnight Tuesday/Wednesday.

The finale of the system will be early Wednesday morning as the models have very strong rain coming in in the 2-5AM period.

Things should taper off Wednesday morning and we may see a break in the clouds by the time Wednesday afternoon rolls around.

Batten down the hatches and bring the lawn chairs back in! It’s going to feel a little icky!

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